Thursday 19 April 2012

Before and During ewwww


 This is my 'Before' picture. Here I was about 7 months preggo, around the end of May last year, It was a bbq for my birthday. Obviously a chihuahua was a bad choice of dog to hid behind, but none the less you can tell I'm quite big. Think i was a size 16/18 here. Sad times for me. I don't carry my weight well, but then again that's what KrispeyKremes and curried goat will do for ya. Hadn't exercised for about 8 months at this point.

I hasten to use the term 'after'. When i am finished and I have the perfect figure, then i will post after pictures, but for now this is a work in progress post. At this point i have lost 3 stone, size 12. I did take flesh shots but tbh i don't have the bottle to put them on. even these nearly made me pissy. I didn't realise i still looked this bad. I have NO definition at all, i look pretty watery and flabby and gross.
BUT.... I'm going to try and stay positive, turn a negative into a positive and take how i feel about these pics on board and CRACK THE FUCK ON!!!! So i will be concentrating on my cardio and diet mainly until i have lost abit more weight.
I want to be able to wear shorts in the gym and not be worried about cellulite, now that would be nice!!


  1. You have a gorgeous figure now Sarah! I'd love to look like you!

  2. ermmmmmmmmmmmmmm ARE YOU SERIOUS. UR HOT!!! Plus i need to know where you got your she-hulk top from?? immediatley. xx
