Thursday 19 April 2012

Before and During ewwww


 This is my 'Before' picture. Here I was about 7 months preggo, around the end of May last year, It was a bbq for my birthday. Obviously a chihuahua was a bad choice of dog to hid behind, but none the less you can tell I'm quite big. Think i was a size 16/18 here. Sad times for me. I don't carry my weight well, but then again that's what KrispeyKremes and curried goat will do for ya. Hadn't exercised for about 8 months at this point.

I hasten to use the term 'after'. When i am finished and I have the perfect figure, then i will post after pictures, but for now this is a work in progress post. At this point i have lost 3 stone, size 12. I did take flesh shots but tbh i don't have the bottle to put them on. even these nearly made me pissy. I didn't realise i still looked this bad. I have NO definition at all, i look pretty watery and flabby and gross.
BUT.... I'm going to try and stay positive, turn a negative into a positive and take how i feel about these pics on board and CRACK THE FUCK ON!!!! So i will be concentrating on my cardio and diet mainly until i have lost abit more weight.
I want to be able to wear shorts in the gym and not be worried about cellulite, now that would be nice!!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

18th Apr. gym session

Ok so tonight I managed to squeeze a 45 minute sesh in. ONLY 10mins cardio tonight, which i would be pretty dissapointed with if I hadnt done a good fat busting 1 hr sesh yesterday. Really needed to get a weights sesh in....

Cross trainer 10mins @ level 9 (199 cals burnt)
Lat pull down 3 sets of 10 @ 30kg
Seated shoulder press 3 sets of 10 @ 7kg

and then i had to leave as i had a '1 rep maxer' throwing the weights around next to me

there was this girl on the treadmill too, you know the girls that do very little, but try to look like there pro's, who have done their hair for the occasion... dint break a sweat???? wtf??? she had a stupid barbie run, no wonder she looked self conscious.
Am I a bitch???

Tomorrow is a rest day. BUTTTTT will be posting pics 'before' and 'after' pics, from when i was about 7 months preggo and today!!!


Hello guys, ok this is my first post. SCARY. this blog is going to be about my 2 favourite interests... cosmetics and training, strange combination i know. I will be reviewing beauty products and keeping you guys up to date with my training regime, diet, and general day to day goings on...

I am a busy mum of 3, and had a baby 8 months ago. During pregnancy i put on 4 stone, i have lost 3 so far through healthy eating and exercise, and i have the final stone to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.... I am by no means a health, diet or fitness expert, this is just how I do do things... MY WAY!!!!